Results for 'P. C. Bos'

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  1.  18
    Mind and Morals, Man and Beasts An Ancient Debate.C. J. de Vogel-Stichting, A. P. Bos & J. C. M. van Winden - 1990 - Philosophia Reformata 55 (2):204.
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    Index of Authors of Volume 13.G. Allwein, C. Areces, G. Ben-Avi, R. la BerkBernardi, P. Blackburn, J. Bos, T. Braüner, J. M. Castano & R. Cooper - 2004 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13 (535):535-535.
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    Het Christelijk platonisme van prof. dr. CJ. de Vogel in nieuwe belichting.Abraham P. Bos - 2003 - Philosophia Reformata 68 (1):69-76.
    Het is zeer verheugend dat een nieuw boek van mevr. C.J. de Vogel verschenen is. Het is historisch van belang en de schrijfster verdient het, dat mede hierdoor nog weer eens de aandacht gevestigd wordt op haar persoon en haar werk. Daaraan wordt ook bijgedragen door de ‘Prof. dr. C.J. de Vogel Stichting ter bevordering van de wijsbegeerte der klassieke Oudheid’ die zich heeft ingezet voor het organiseren van de ‘C.J. de Vogel-Memorial lectures’. Deze vormen nu reeds bijna vijftien jaar (...)
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    The 'Vehicle of Soul' and the Debate over the Origin of this Concept.Abraham P. Bos - 2007 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 151 (1):31-50.
    The modern debate over the hellenistic doctrine of the fine-material soul-vehicle, including contributions by R. C. Kissling, E. R. Dodds, and J. Halfwassen, has seen an increasingly earlier date of origin being attributed to this doctrine. But the author who introduced the theory remains an unknown quantity. In this article I will argue that the author of this doctrine can be no other than Aristotle.
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    J. Klapwijk , De eerste en tweede geschiedenis. Nagelaten geschrtften van Meijer C. Smit; met een nabeschouwing van S. Griffioen. 239 pp. ISBN 90 6064 528 6. f 34,50. [REVIEW]A. P. Bos - 1987 - Philosophia Reformata 52 (1):80.
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  6. Một số vấn đề về phương pháp giảng dạy và nghiên cứu triết học.Văn Bộ Phùng (ed.) - 2001 - [Hà Nội]: Nhà xuất bản Giáo dục.
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  7. The Social message of the gospels.Franz Böckle (ed.) - 1968 - New York,: Paulist Press.
    Preface, by F. Böckle.--Articles: Empirical social study and ethics, by W. Korff. What does a non-Christian expect of the church in matters of social morality, by R. Garaudy. Social cybernetics as a permanent function of the church, by C. Wagner. World trade and international cooperation for development, by A. Ferrer. How can the church provide guidelines in social ethics? by P. Herder-Dorneich. Races and minorities: a matter of conscience by J. Musulin. The modern sexual revolution, by G. Struck. Prudence and (...)
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  8.  19
    Elastase and granzymes during meningococcal disease in children: correlation to disease severity.J. B. Van Woensel, M. H. Biezeveld, C. E. Hack, A. P. Bos & T. W. Kuijpers - unknown
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    Oб oбшиx rpaфичeckиx эakohomephoctяx bocпpияtия жиboпиcи и бaлeta: Mhemohичecka..Maria Goltsman - 2003 - Sign Systems Studies 31 (2).
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  10. Đạo đức người cán bộ lãnh đạo chính trị hiện nay: thực trạng và giải pháp.Thế Kiệt Nguyễn (ed.) - 2005 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuá̂t bản Chính trị quó̂c gia.
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    Nosewitness Identification: Effects of Lineup Size and Retention Interval.Laura Alho, Sandra C. Soares, Liliana P. Costa, Elisa Pinto, Jacqueline H. T. Ferreira, Kimmo Sorjonen, Carlos F. Silva & Mats J. Olsson - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:173324.
    Although canine identification of body odor (BO) has been widely used as forensic evidence, the concept of nosewitness identification by human observers was only recently put to the test. The results indicated that BOs associated with male characters in authentic crime videos could later be identified in BO lineup tests well above chance. To further evaluate nosewitness memory, we assessed the effects of lineup size (Experiment 1) and retention interval (Experiment 2), using a forced-choice memory test. The results showed that (...)
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  12.  22
    Das Böse und sein Grund: zur Rezeptionsgeschichte von Schellings Freiheitsschrift 1809.Gunther Wenz (ed.) - 2010 - München: In Kommission bei C.H. Beck.
    Jahrhunderts. Der Sammelband bietet ausgewählte Beispiele ihrer Rezeption. Näher in Betracht kommen F.H. Jacobi, C. Daub, A. Schopenhauer, J. Müller, S. Kierkegaard, P. Tillich und M. Heidegger."--Publisher's website.
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  13. The Soul and Its Instrumental Body: A Reinterpretation of Aristotle's Philosophy of Living Nature.A. P. Bos - 2003 - Boston, MA: Brill.
    Aristotle's definition of the soul should be interpreted as: 'the soul is the entelechy of a natural body that serves as its instrument'.
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  14. An Unedited Sophism by Marsilius of Inghen : 'Homo est bos'1.E. P. Bos - 1977 - Vivarium 15 (1):46-56.
  15.  17
    On Proclus and his influence in medieval philosophy.Egbert P. Bos & P. A. Meijer (eds.) - 1992 - Leiden ; New York: E.J. Brill.
    Proclus was one of the major Greek philosophers of late Antiquity. In his metaphysics he developed and systematized problems of Plato's thought, such as participation; transcendence - immanence; causation - participation - return; henads and monads; first and second causality. Before and after his works had been translated into Latin, Proclus influenced the Christian West through the _Liber the causis_, a Latin translation of an anonymous Arab version of Proclus' _Elementatio theologica_.
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  16. Considerazioni sul «De mundo» e analisi critica delle tesi di Paul Moraux.A. P. Bos - 1990 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 82 (4):587-606.
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  17. God as “Father” and “Maker” in Philo of Alexandria and its Background in Aristotelian Thought.Abraham P. Bos - 2003 - Elenchos 24 (2):311-32.
  18.  23
    Aristotle on God's life-generating power and on pneuma as its vehicle.Abraham P. Bos - 2018 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    Proposes an innovative rethinking of Aristotle’s work as a system that integrates his theology with his doctrine of reproduction and life. In this deep rethinking of Aristotle’s work, Abraham P. Bos argues that scholarship on Aristotle’s philosophy has erred since antiquity in denying the connection between his theology and his doctrine of reproduction and life in the earthly sphere. Beginning with an analysis of God’s role in the Aristotelian system, Bos explores how this relates to other elements of his philosophy, (...)
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  19.  60
    Instrumentalization theory and reflexive design in animal husbandry.A. P. Bos - 2008 - Social Epistemology 22 (1):29 – 50.
    In animal husbandry in The Netherlands, as in a wide variety of other societal areas, we see an increased awareness of the fact that progress cannot be attained anymore by simply repeating the way we modernized this sector in the decades before, due to the multiplicity of the problems to be dealt with. The theory of reflexive modernization articulates this macro-social phenomenon, and at the same time serves as a prescriptive master-narrative. In this paper, I analyse the relationship between Feenberg's (...)
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  20.  21
    Huyghens Et la France.P. Acloque, S. Bachelard, A. Bachrach, A. Beaulieu, Y. Belaval & H. Bos - 1982 - Vrin.
    table ronde du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, 27-29 mars 1979. Huygens et la France (Paris, Vrin, 1981, p. 99-114) CHRISTIAAN HUYGENS VU PAR LEIBNIZ par Albert HEINEKAMP (*) (Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover) Les ...
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    Concepts: the treatises of Thomas of Cleves and Paul of Gelria: an edition of the texts with a systematic introduction.Egbert P. Bos & Stephen Read (eds.) - 2001 - Sterling, Va.: Editions Peeters.
    These are two of only three medieval treatises known to the editors explicitly devoted to discussion of concepts. That is not to deny that other works treat extensively of concepts among other matters.
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  22. Cosmic and metacosmic theology in greek philosophy and in gnosticism.Abraham P. Bos - 1992 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 84 (2-3):369-382.
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    Medieval supposition theory revisited.Egbert P. Bos (ed.) - 2013 - Leiden: Brill.
    In this work, the papers are presented which, on the basis of L.M. de Rijk's monumental 'Logica modernorum' (1962-1967), sketch the development of medieval theories on meaning and reference from the beginnings well into the 17th century. The book also presents studies of these theories from a modern point of view.
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  24. Studies on Christian Huygens.H. J. Bos, M. J. S. Rudwick, H. A. M. Snelders & R. P. W. Visser - 1983 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 34 (3):295-303.
  25. The De Rijk-files.E. P. Bos & Lm De Rijk - 1998 - Vivarium 37 (2):299-300.
  26.  9
    [Lambda]-calculus and computer science theory: proceedings of the symposium held in Rome, March 25-27, 1975.C. Böhm (ed.) - 1975 - New York: Springer Verlag.
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    E. P. Meijering, Calvin wider die Neugierde.A. P. Bos - 1982 - Philosophia Reformata 47 (1):91-93.
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  28. Katherine’s Questionable Quest for Love and Happiness.Bo C. Klintberg - 2008 - Philosophical Plays 1 (1):1-98.
    CATEGORY: Philosophy play; historical fiction; comedy; social criticism. STORYLINE: Katherine, a slightly neurotic American lawyer, has tried very hard to find personal happiness in the form of friends and lovers. But she has not succeeded, and is therefore very unhappy. So she travels to London, hoping that Christianus — a well-known satisfactionist — may be able to help her. TOPICS: In the course of the play, Katherine and Christianus converse about many philosophical issues: the modern American military presence in Iraq; (...)
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  29.  41
    Aristotle on myth and philosophy.A. P. Bos - 1983 - Philosophia Reformata 48 (1):1-18.
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    Ears are not the Subject of Hearing in Aristotle’s On the Soul II 8, 420a3–12.Abraham P. Bos - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (2):171-186.
    On the Soul II 8, 420a3–12 is always explained as if Aristotle there considered the ears to be the seat of the faculty of hearing. However, Aristotle there identifies the instrument of sense perception not with external parts of the visible body but with the soul’s instrumental body, situated in the heart and connected with the ears. That also appears to be the case in Generation of Animals V 2.
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    The “Instrumental Body” of the Soul in Aristotle’s Ethics and Biology.Abraham P. Bos - 2006 - Elenchos 27 (1):35-72.
  32.  20
    W. Aalders, De Septuagint. Brug tussen Synagoge en Kerk. Heerenveen 1999: Groen. 146 pag. ISBN 90-5829-052-2.A. P. Bos - 2000 - Philosophia Reformata 65 (1):114-117.
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  33.  28
    Aristotle's Doctrine of the Instrumental Body of the Soul.Abraham P. Bos - 1999 - Philosophia Reformata 64 (1):37-51.
    Hippolytus of Rome on Aristotle’s definition of the soul. His work Concerning the Soul is obscure. For in the entire three books [where he treats of his subject] it is not possible to say clearly what is Aristotle’s opinion concerning the soul. For, as regards the definition which he furnishes of soul, it is easy [enough] to declare this; but what it is that is signified by the definition is difficult to discover. For soul, he says, is an entelecheia of (...)
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  34. Wendy's Risky Role-Play and the Gory Plot of the Okefenokee Man-Monster.Bo C. Klintberg - 2012 - Philosophical Plays 2 (1-2):1-238.
    CATEGORY: Philosophy play; historical fiction; comedy; social criticism. -/- STORYLINE: Katherine, a neurotic American lawyer, meets Christianus for a philosophy session at The Late Victorian coffee shop in London, where they also meet Wendy the waitress and Baldy the player. Will Katherine be able to overcome her deep depression by adopting some of Christianus’s satisfactionist ideas? Or will she stay unsatisfied and unhappy by stubbornly sticking to her own neti-neti nothingness philosophy? And what roles do Baldy, Wendy, and the Okefenokee (...)
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    The theological conception in de mundo and the relation between this writing and the work of Plato and Aristotle.A. P. Bos - 1977 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 39 (2):314 - 330.
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    The tongue is not the soul’s instrument for tasting in Aristotle, On the soul II 10.Abraham P. Bos - 2012 - Hermes 140 (3):375-385.
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    Essay Review.E. P. Bos - 1986 - History and Philosophy of Logic 7 (1):57-63.
  38. Han'guk kŭndae Yugyo ŭi iltokpŏp.No Kwan-bŏm - 2013 - In Hyŏng-jo Han (ed.), 500-yŏn kongdongch'e rŭl umjigin Yugyo ŭi him. Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Kŭl Hangari.
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  39.  68
    Aristotle on the Etruscan Robbers: A Core Text of "Aristotelian Dualism".A. P. Bos - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):289-306.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aristotle on the Etruscan Robbers:A Core Text of "Aristotelian Dualism"Abraham P. Bos (bio)1. A Non-Platonic Dualism in Aristotle's Lost WorksThe Soul of a Mortal on Earth is not "At Home," says Aristotle in his dialogue Eudemus. The story about the mantic dream of the expatriate Eudemus and his expectation that he "will return home"1 is well known. It makes clear that, in Aristotle's view, the death of the human (...)
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  40. Les elements affectifs du langage.C. Bos - 1906 - Philosophical Review 15:353.
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  41. Hipparchus's 3600'-Based Chord Table and Its Place in the History of Ancient Greek and Indian Trigonometry.Bo C. Klintberg - 2005 - Indian Journal of History of Science 40 (2):169-203.
    With mathematical reconstructions and philosophical arguments I show that Toomer's 1973 paper never contained any conclusive evidence for his claims that Hipparchus had a 3438'-based chord table, and that the Indians used that table to compute their sine tables. Recalculating Toomer's reconstructions with a 3600' radius -- i.e. the radius of the chord table in Ptolemy's Almagest, expressed in 'minutes' instead of 'degrees' -- generates Hipparchan-like ratios similar to those produced by a 3438' radius. It is therefore possible that the (...)
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  42. On Samuel Clarke's Four Types of Deists.Bo C. Klintberg - 2011 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 93 (1):85-99.
    This paper features a detailed philosophical classification of the four types of deists that Samuel Clarke presents in the second series of the Boyle Lectures for promoting Christianity (1705). In the course of this paper I determine, for each type of deist, the truth values of twelve important propositions, and I show that these four types of deists may be categorized as (1) ‘no-providence’, (2) ‘physical-laws-providence’, (3) ‘moral-but-no-afterlife’, and (4) ‘moral-and-afterlife’. Using an accompanying table of propositions as a visualization tool, (...)
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  43.  77
    Cosmic and meta-cosmic theology in Aristotle's lost dialogues.A. P. Bos - 1989 - New York: Brill.
    CHAPTER ONE A 'DREAMING KRONOS' IN A LOST WORK BY ARISTOTLE In the following study we shall be concerned with the interpretation of dreams. ...
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  44. Aristotle on Dissection of Plants and Animals and his Concept of the Instrumental Soul-body.Abraham P. Bos - 2007 - Ancient Philosophy 27 (1):95-106.
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    Aristotle on God as Principle of Genesis.Abraham P. Bos - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (3):363-377.
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    De gnosticus basilides en zijn theologie over de levensfasen Van de kosmos.Abraham P. Bos - 2005 - Philosophia Reformata 70 (1):41-63.
    This paper contains a Dutch translation of the important text of Hippolytus of Rome on the Gnostic theology of Basilides of Alexandria. A summary of this theology is added together with some introductory remarks about whether or not Basilides received his doctrine from Matthias the Apostle, about the Aristotelean line of thought of Basilides, and about the relevance of modern study of Gnosticism.
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  47. Tim’s Sexy Girl-Goddess and the Tale of the British Raisin.Bo C. Klintberg - 2008 - Philosophical Plays 1 (2):1-129.
    CATEGORY: Philosophy play; historical fiction; comedy; social criticism. -/- STORYLINE: Tim, a physics professor with a certain taste for young female university students, recently got a new appointment at a London university. But, as it turns out, he is still unsatisfied. Why? Is it because Rachael unexpectedly left him under strange circumstances? Or does it have to do with his sudden departure from another university? Or is it his research? When Tim meets Christianus for a brown-bag discussion on philosophy and (...)
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    Les éléments affectifs du langage: Ses rapports avec Les tendances de la psychologie moderne.C. Bos - 1905 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 60:355 - 373.
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  49.  16
    Aristotle, On the life-bearing spirit (De spiritu): a discussion with Plato and his predecessors on pneuma as the instrumental body of the soul.A. P. Bos - 2008 - Boston: Brill. Edited by R. Ferwerda.
    The work _De spiritu_ is an important but neglected work by Aristotle. It clearly shows for the first time that Aristotle assumed a special body as the ‘instrument’ of the soul. By means of this soul/body the soul forms the visible body of plants, animals and human beings.
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  50. Matt Matravers: Justice and punishment: the rationality of coercion.C. Del Bo - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (1):216-217.
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